
Through the study of music and the creation of a cohesive curriculum that enables children to discuss musical preferences, evoke emotional responses and develop a balance of knowledge and skills, we intend to encourage children to understand the important effect and influence music has on the world around them.

Our music curriculum offer will encourage children to see themselves as musicians, whatever level of experience and knowledge they have. The curriculum will focus on developing the skills, knowledge and understanding to enable learners to become confident in all strands of musical learning (composing, performing, listening and music in a wider context).  Children will be able to develop their singing and instrumental skills.

The scheme we use to drive our teaching and learning (Kapow Music) supports the DfE suggested Model Music Curriculum (2021) model for teaching and learning through focusing on the following areas: 

  • performing

  • listening 

  • composing

  • history of music 

  • interrelated dimensions of music