Our School
Welcome to Thorn Grove Primary School!
Visits and visitors; clubs and celebrations; learning and laughter: we provide our children with unique experiences, which foster a love of life, a passion for living, and memories that will stretch a lifetime.
The School
Thorn Grove is an average-sized primary school for children from 3-11 years. It includes a deaf base resource provision run by the local authority. Many pupils from this unit are taught in the mainstream classes as inclusion lies at the heart of the school’s ethos. The school was built in 1951 and benefits from generous accommodation. The main building has eight classrooms, an ICT suite, a spacious library entrance foyer, an assembly hall, separate dining room and an administrative area. Two pairs of demountable classrooms provide valuable additional teaching space. There are two separate playgrounds, two outdoor learning areas (Nursery and Reception) and extensive well maintained playing fields. A private day nursery (Elm Cottage) also operates on the site looking to provide wrap-around care for babies to 3 year olds. The school occupies a 5 acre site.