The school follows the Local Authority published admission arrangements.
Nursery Admissions
Thorn Grove is fortunate in having a Nursery Unit in the school which caters for up to 44 children on two and a half day sessions. Parents have the option of full days Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday a.m. or Wednesday p.m. and full days Thursday and Friday. Alternatively, we offer a limited number of full time places to those families that are entitled to 30 hours funding.
Children are considered for Nursery admission in the term after their third birthday. Nursery applications are completed via the Stockport MBC website. Telephone number 0161 218 1151 (Contact Centre).
For further information regarding eligibility for 30 hour funding and application please click on the link below:
Reception Admissions
By Law, parents must arrange for their child to start school at the beginning of the term of their fifth birthday, unless they have made other suitable arrangements which have been approved by the Local Education Authority. In Stockport, there is one admission date for all children at 4+ with a closing date for accepting the place. (After that date school cannot guarantee a place for your child). To apply for a school place at Thorn Grove Primary please click here.
Places are first allocated to those children living in the school priority area. If places remain, after applicants have been allocated, then non-priority applicants are considered. Applicants are placed in proximity order based on the home address, starting with those who will have siblings in the school on admission. Thorn Grove has provision for 30 Reception age pupils. If this School is your first choice and we are unable to offer your child a place, you have the right to appeal to an Independent Appeals Committee.
We encourage parents to come and visit Thorn Grove to see for yourself what a wonderful place this is to learn, play and grow. More information on how to do this can be found here.
In-Year Transfers
If you are looking to transfer schools during the school year, please refer to Stockport's guidance here or contact the school office. All in-year transfers are managed by Stockport Admissions Team.
Waiting Lists
If the year group you are requesting is full, you will be added to the school's waiting list by Stockport Admissions Team. Once a place becomes available, you will be contacted by Stockport's Admissions Team to offer you a place.
All appeals for school places are managed by Stockport Admissions Team. Details of the Appeals process and timescales can be found here.